Enjoy night leisure at a cabaret club! Introducing how to have fun and etiquette

A cabaret club is a unique nighttime leisure spot in Japan where you can drink alcohol while enjoying conversation and karaoke with the female staff called “cast members.”

In this article, we will explain what a cabaret club is, as well as introduce how to enjoy it, the rules, and etiquette. If you want to enjoy Japanese nightlife to the fullest, please use this as a reference.

■What is a cabaret club?

First of all, I will explain what kind of shop a cabaret club is, its overview and fee system.


Cabaret club overview

A cabaret club is a place where female staff called “cast members” entertain customers by preparing drinks and having fun conversations.

The name cabaret club is said to be derived from a coined word combining “cabaret” and “club.” In Japan, cabaret clubs first appeared in the 1980s, and various types of establishments such as “cheap cabaret clubs” and “student cabaret clubs” have become popular since then.

Currently, cabaret clubs are used not only for nighttime leisure but also as a place for business negotiations and entertainment.


Fee system

At a cabaret club, a “set fee” will be charged when you enter the club and take your seat. A set price is like a seat fee that allows you to enjoy XX minutes for XX yen.

One set takes approximately 50-60 minutes. Prices vary depending on the shop, but the average price is around 5,000 to 7,000 yen per hour. The set price includes an all-you-can-drink house bottle, water, ice, and light snacks.

If you still want to enjoy your time after one set, you can extend your time. In this case, an additional extension fee will be charged. The extra time is set to be the same time as one set or half that time. The price is generally half or the same as the set price.

■A step-by-step explanation of how to enjoy cabaret clubs

From here, we will explain step-by-step how to enjoy cabaret clubs for first-time users.


Let’s make a reservation in advance

If you are using a cabaret club for the first time, it is best to choose a club and make a reservation in advance. Not all cabaret clubs are good, and some charge exorbitant fees. To avoid entering such stores, it is a good idea to refer to the store’s website or portal site and check the area and atmosphere before deciding on a store.

Reservations can be made on the store’s website or by phone. If you tell them the time and number of people coming to the store, and then add a comment like “This is my first time using the store,” the store will likely respond accordingly.


Be prompt when entering the store

When you enter the store, a male staff member will explain the pricing system to you. Make sure to listen to the explanation carefully and ask questions about anything you don’t understand, so you don’t end up thinking, “I didn’t understand the rules because I didn’t listen properly.”

After that, when you are asked about the course and whether or not you have designated a cast member, tell them how you would like to enjoy it. If you do not make a nomination, the cast will generally change approximately every 15 minutes. If you make a nomination, the cast member of your choice will serve you, but a separate nomination fee will be charged.

You can enjoy the show even if you don’t name them, but it’s a good idea to tell them what kind of cast member you want to serve your customers, such as someone who can converse in English or someone who is good at liveling things up. By doing so, you will enjoy it even more.


Remember how to order drinks

Once you are seated, order a drink. First of all, it would be a good idea to order the house bottle of alcohol or the all-you-can-drink alcohol that is included in the set price.

Once you get used to the atmosphere and system, you may want to try other drinks by looking at the menu or asking the cast members for recommendations. However, there is a cost in addition to the set fee, so it is best to order it when you can afford it.

Also, when a cast member takes their seat, they always ask, “Can I have something to drink too?” The cost of drinks for the cast members will be included in the bill, but if you are willing to order them, you will make a good impression on the cast members.


Enjoy conversation with the cast

Once your ordered drink is brought to you, enjoy a conversation with the cast. As mentioned above, unless you have made a nomination, the cast will change approximately every 15 minutes. If you find a child you like, it would be a good idea to nominate him or her when the cast changes.

If you are not good at conversation, playing games or doing karaoke is one way. The cast will liven things up, so you can have a great time.


Choose whether to extend or leave

As the end of one set draws near, the cast and staff will ask you if you would like to leave or extend your time. If you want to have a little more fun, choose an extension. If you have enjoyed your meal to the fullest, please pay at the table and leave.

Most stores accept credit card payments, but some only accept cash. It’s best to ask the store in advance or have cash ready.

Also, recently, more and more stores are automatically extending the period without announcing the end of one set. Set an alarm on your smartphone or ask the cast member to call out to you when the set is over.

■Cabaret club rules and etiquette

In order to have a good time at a cabaret club, please keep the rules in mind. Here we will introduce some etiquette at a cabaret club.


Don’t drink too much

This is true for all drinking parties, but try not to drink too much to the point where you become disoriented. When you’re drunk, you tend to get carried away, go over budget, or do things that make people around you uncomfortable. There is also the possibility that you may get drunk and fall asleep, causing a nuisance to the store.

Please drink in moderation and enjoy the conversation with the cast.


Excessive physical contact with cast members is prohibited.

Body touching of cast members is prohibited. Also, abusive language or questions that intrude on someone’s private life are not allowed.

Please try to behave in a gentlemanly manner so that not only you but the cast members can enjoy themselves as well.


It is safe to decide your budget in advance.

If you are not very familiar with cabaret clubs, you may run into trouble over budget. Be sure to understand the pricing system and decide on a budget.

If you let us know your budget at the reception, the staff may be able to talk to you to make sure you don’t go over budget.

■3 Cabaret Clubs in Tokyo that Foreigners Visiting Japan Can Enjoy

From here, we will introduce three cabaret clubs that foreigners visiting Japan can also enjoy. Please use this as a reference when choosing a store.



We are a cozy cabaret club with a “customer first” philosophy. This store has easy-to-understand pricing and is very reasonable. In addition, there are many veteran cast members who are good at customer service, so even first-timers can have a fun time.

Venus Line

This is a cabaret club with a fresh atmosphere, with many cast members in their 20s. In addition, all the cast members are good at conversation, so even first-timers will have a good time talking and having a fulfilling time. There are also private rooms, so you can enjoy talking with the cast as if you were on a date without worrying about what others might think.


This is a long-established store with a luxurious and calm atmosphere. In addition, the events held each season are popular, and the unique and friendly cast members will liven up your conversations.

■Learn how to enjoy cabaret clubs and enjoy Japanese nights to the fullest

Cabaret clubs, where you can enjoy conversations with cast members and drinks, are a unique nighttime leisure activity in Japan. Be sure to understand the pricing system and enjoy a Japanese night with the cast. When using a cabaret club, be sure not only to have fun, but also to follow the rules and etiquette so you can enjoy your time to the fullest.

Q.What kind of place is a cabaret club?
A.It’s a place where you can drink alcohol while enjoying conversation, karaoke, and games with female staff members called cast members.

Q.What are the cabaret club fees?
A. It’s a set price system, and the average price is 5,000 to 7,000 yen per hour, which includes all-you-can-drink bottles and snacks. There are also optional fees such as extension fees and nomination fees.